Monday, July 31, 2006
Ihik...gue emang gila.. sabtu kemaren kalap beli dorama.. hiks.. sekarang jadi bokek berats..

Kemaren niatnya sie cari Itsumo Futari De-nya Kassy, Magic-nya Dong-won, ama Kurosagi-nya Yamappi.. Karena ga ada, gue cari film-nya Tetsuji Tamayama (dapet NANA en Rikon Bengoshi Special). Trus, karena ga dapet film-nya Kassy, gue cari2 aja yg laen.. eeehh.. dasar mbak-mbak penjualnya emang udah tau gue maniak ama dorama, jadi deh semua koleksi dia dikeluarin.. mabok gue..
Yang udah gue tonton..let's see :
- Rikon Bengoshi Special --> bagus sie, cerita tentang pengacara gitu (divorce lawyer). karena dramanya sendiri ada 2, yang ini kayak nya sie lanjutan yang pertama. Setting nya sebagian di Jepang, sebagian di New York. Dan kebanyakan mereka fasih dengan English padahal jarang kan orang Jepang yang bisa English. Kayaknya sie bukan dubbing.. tapi entah sie.. Di sini Tamayama jadi pegawai di kantor pengacara itu en jadi orang agak-agak error..
- NANA --> Kirain gue ini perjalanan kariernya NANA tapi kok kayaknya malah jadi cerita cinta NANA en Nana-chan ya..Tapi bagus sie.. keren.. Lagunya HYDE pun ok bangeettt.... Tapi Tamayama cuma nongol sekilas banget. Jadi bassist-nya The Trapnest.
- Anego Special --> lluuccuuu.....gue jadi pengen beli dramanya. Lucu deh..kiyut en sweet ceritanya. Meskipun terlalu banyak melibatkan cowo sie (saking desperate-nya). Mengingatkan gue dengan drama Korea My Name Is Kim Sam Soon. Storyline nya beda banget sie. tapi entah kenapa, gue jadi inget drama itu. Hampir samaan pula diputernya di tv (anego awal sampe tengah 2005, kim sam soon tengah hampir akhir 2005), tv korea en jepang maksud nya hehhe..
- Gokusen 2 --> dasar penjual, berhasil juga bujukin gue beli sekuel yg ini (padahal gue paling anti nonton sekuel kalo engga urut). Tapi karena emang ceritanya berdiri sendiri banget, jadi engga ngaruh juga sie. dan jujur, cerita ini lucu banget. It's damn hilariuos funny. lucu bangettt... kocak abis, konyol, gila..

En karena ada dua filmnya Akanishi Jin, gue lagi fallin in love ama dia… *blushing* heheheh….

snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 1:34 PM | 0 comments

Uuuhhh… brondong kawai abis deh… kereeeennnn……. Di Anego dia sebagai Kurosawa yang naksir ama temen kerja nya yang 10 taon lebih tua. Luttuuuuu……. Antara suka en malu-malu gitu.. Lha bayangin aja, masa sie ya dia naksir ama nuna yang 10 taon lebih tua, dia talut diketawain ama orang2... sweet deh.. uuuhhh…..kakkoiiii….. jadi pengen beli yang drama serinyaaaaa…..

Abis itu, baru liat Gokusen. Huahahahhahaha……gue ga berhenti ketawa liat dia ama Kamenashi Kazuya. Lucu bangettt… si Yukie Nakama (padahal masie muda ternyata) emang keren maennya. banget deh..

Kocak abissss……

Mungkin karena gue liat Anego yg movie, jadi Akanishi Jin nongolnya dikit2. Lagian ceritanya dia lagi di Mongol dan kena badai salju sehingga ga bisa kirim email ke Naoko. Kalo Gokusen kan drama seri nya jadi porsi dia lebih banyak. Karena Yamaguchi sensei, dia berubah dari galak en keras plus emosian, menjadi lebih sabar en lebih enjoy kehidupan SMA. Lebih bersenang-senang dengan teman2 SMA. Yang nge-date, yang bingung dengan masa depan, and something like that. Jin bisa meranin Hayato dengan keren banget.. dia bisa jadi anak SMA yang masie ugal-ugalan di Gokusen dan anak muda kalem yang fallin in love di Anego. Kkiiiyyyyuuuuuuuttttttttttt………………

Kamenashi pun ga kalah juga sie. Emang ok sie dia kalo acting. Dia bisa jadi Odagiri Ryo yang cool dan setiakawan, dan bisa pula jadi Shuuji yang kesepian.. Kamenashi tuh tipikal model banget deh. He’s such a real idol.

Uuuhhhhhhhhh……..kok brondong-brondong itu kawai sie……..

Di Gokusen gue paling suka kalo pas Yamaguchi sensei becanda-becanda ama Ryo en the gang. Luttuuu… Yamaguchi sensei suka digodain ama murid2nya saking polosnya… gue bener-bener ga berhenti ngakak berats deh…..

Trus pas Yamaguchi sensei bilang ke RyoKamu senyum-senyum terus gitu jadi keliatan kaaawwaaaiiiiiiiiii”. Sambil bergaya ala komik gitu…. Ryo menatap Yankumi dengan unbelievable look dan bilang “Hentikan” trus senyum geli en pergi… huahahahhahahaha…….. bahkan Yankumi mengakui kalo Ryo kawai…. Uuuhhhh……enak banget jadi Yankumi, dikelilingi cowo-cowo kawai gituuuu…..>_____<

Ok Back to topic… lagi suka ama Akanishi Jin…. Huihihihihihihi…….

snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 11:57 AM | 0 comments
Friday, July 28, 2006
kok kayak nya isi blog gue semuanya about review ya.. hehehehe... ya abis, saking gue lagi bosen dengan apa-apanya, jadi kerjaan gue cuma nonton film.. dan please deh..bahkan gue lagi males dengan segala tetek bengek layout ato pun graphis.. entah kenapa.. emang gue orang yang paling engga konsisten kalo masalah kayak gitu.. hiks.. sedih banget...

btw, seminggu ini pikiran gue terbelah.. antara kantor yang lagi sibuk nyiapin kantor baru ama the other thing.. gue bingung..
this is why, knp gue paling benci expect too much.. kalo hasilnya ga seperti yang gue harapkn, gue kecewanya tuh sampe berhari-hari en susah banget nerima. mungkin karena gue orangnya engga flexible kali yaaa......
tapi akibatnya, gue brasa jadi orang yang paling bodoh sedunia.. gue orangnya emang ga bisa basa-basi en paling ga bisa omong (padahal kerjaan gue ngadepin orang2..aneh ya..). argh..gue harus gimana coba??
kata adek gue, ambil aja.. cewe kan butuh pembelanjaan yang lebih.. hehehe..bisa aja...
kata ira, gue harus mikir2 banyak kali..
kata mb dian pun gue harus mikir beneran..
aaahhh.....gue jadi makin bingung...
snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 12:50 PM | 0 comments
Aka A Wolf’s Attraction aka Romance of Their Own..

You know, that title sound doesn’t fit in, does it.. I prefer Romance of Their Own though. And sure I agree with critics I read on KDW Int’l Forum that the wolf sound at the beginning of the movie makes this film such a corny.. but the story is pretty good I think. Taken from on-line-novel (did I say it correctly?) with the same title. I just finished read it since someone in forum posted an address where the novel is. It’s more than a thousand pages but with a bunch of spaces, dots, empty lines and so much blank lines. It’s a far different from the movie but the movie will do for someone who won’t to read the novel. They both have the same plot but have the different ending.. I prefer the novel ending though.. it makes Chun Tae-sung such a real hero.. huehehhe….. I have Kang Dong-won on my mind when I read it. So I like Chung Tae-sung a lot.. yeah…that’s because I watched the movie first.. hehehe…

The whole plot is love between siblings who share one father but different mother.. It just not right, isn’t it. But the idea is just that.. and the whole story is great.. thing missing is how Tae-sung is actually has a lot of fellas who really loyal to him. There were not any of Tae-sung’s fellas on movie. The movie shows that Tae-sung was kinda trouble maker and he always lost at fight. From novel, as far as I can remember (1240 pages for God sake), he was beaten up til almost dead only one time after he lost his grandmother who he lived with and he just wanna die coz he has nobody (his unni can’t remember him anyway). And yeah he’s been a lot of fight but he almost always win and that’s why everyone afraid of him. From the novel you can say that Tae-sung is really powerful as good as Hae-won. They have a lot of backups. But from the movie, Tae-sung looks scary at the beginning and have no friends..

And the whole movie can makes me crying loud each time I watch it. Dong-won is really great at that movie.. love him so much. He became Chung Tae-sung. He can be scary and sweet at the same time… He’s just great… love him love him love him…

Wanna watch his others movie…. Suki…

snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 11:54 AM | 0 comments
Monday, July 24, 2006
Hhmmm… another dorama.. again.. I watched it a whole night. From about after Maghrib pray until Shubuh pray on last Friday. Wwooo…what a night I have here..

At the beginning, I have no willing to watch it immediately. Coz I’ve already knew the story.. but suddenly, that Friday night I really wanted to watch some mellow drama. Heheheh…. Then I put on that DVD..

..:: the story ::..

Ichi Rittoru no Namida or One Litre of Tears is based on true story about this girl who had Spinocerebellar Degeneration. Ugh..tough spelling.. Intinya penyakit itu bikin otak kecil en tulang belakang si penderita jadi mengerut sehingga penderita jadi ga bisa ngontrol lagi pergerakan badannya sendiri. Sebenernya pikiran nya pun berkembang hanya saja syaraf dari otak ke badan melemah.. misal dia pengen lari, tapi kakinya ga mau gerak.

This girl named Aya Ikeuchi (dari diketahui menderita penyakit itu pada usia 15 taon. Pas dia mau masuk SMU. Saat dia masie seneng-senengnya maen basket, belajar, naksir cowo, dsb.. tapi nasib menentukan laen. She’s got that disease. And her world become upside down…

Sejak divonis sakit, sampe akhir hayatnya, Aya selalu menulis buku harian. Sampe dia ga bisa lagi memegang pulpen.. Nyokapnya selalu menyemangati, “Aya bukannya engga bisa berbuat apa-apa. Aya masie bisa menulis. Aya bisa menulis untuk orang lain.” Dan nyokapnya benar. Diary Aya telah menjadi inspirasi banyak orang dan menjadi best seller..

..:: my words ::..

this is such an inspiring story. How Aya face her disease yang makin lama makin parah. Yang makin lama makin membutuhkan bantuan orang laen. Tapi dia mempunyai keluarga yang luar biasa tabah.. bener-bener luar biasa.. every one in her family saling mendukung dan menguatkan. Sampe adek cewe yang kedua, Ako, yang menyadarkan Hiroki (adek ketiga) bahwa mempunyai kakak Aya sama sekali tidak memalukan. Karena Aya amat sangat tegar menghadapi semua omongan orang yang memandang aneh. Padahal tadinya Ako tuh agak2 iri dengan Aya yg selalu jd kesayangan dalam keluarga.

Her family just awesome.. always by herside for 10 years.. supporting..

Setegar-tegarnya Aya, sering juga dia ngalamin down.. saat pertama kali dia tau dia sakit, pertama kali pake kursi roda, pas ngeliat Aso-kun bersama temen-temen laennya, pas dia ga bisa nahan pipis, pas dia mulae ga bisa jalan…. She’s been through those lot things.. and she’s good…

Pokoknya siap-siap berurai air mata deh… bener-bener cerita yang bagus… I was crying a whole night..

..:: the cast ::..

Sawajiri Erika as Aya Ikeuchi.. She’s a beautiful girl.. sampe detik2 teraqir pun masie keliatan cantik.. hiks.. ga keliatan kalo lagi sakit…

Nishikido Ryou as Haruto Aso.. A great boy.. termasuk salah satu yang terinspirasi ama Aya. Aqirnya mau belajar kedokteran dan menemani Aya sampe aqir.. the best supporting for Aya.. (tapi gue ama Ira curiga, kalo tokoh Aso-kun ini sebenernya ga ada heheh…).. Gue nangis kalo Nishikido nangis.. hiks hiks.. cute deh…

credit : ;
snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 12:48 PM | 0 comments
Thursday, July 20, 2006
one of another dorama which is i just finished watch yesterday. kinda sweet drama.

about family, single parent mother with three sons. Tatsuya, Riku and Junpei Sakurai and mother Harue. they have such a strong bound as family. mereka saling mendukung dalam memecahkan masalah. they speak their mind on every single thing and share opinion to solve problems. although almost everyday they've got fighting each other, but they listening each other too. hampir tiap kali adu pendapat pasti gontok2an en pukul2an tapi mereka mendengar dan memperbaiki sikap. that makes their bound getting stronger..

Tatsuya Sakurai (Tamayama Tetsuji), sebagai cowo pertama dalam keluarga. agak kaku tapi nice and sweet.
Riku Sakurai (Hayami Mokomichi), sebagai cowo kedua. agak bandel tapi bertanggung jawab. paling kawai dan playboy abisss...
Junpei Sakurai (uuhh...lupa nama aslinya), the last sons. so sweet dan baek hati bangeetttt.....

such a nice dorama and has happy ending..
snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 12:47 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
That’s a very very hilarious movie.. Damn, it was so good. As long as I remember I never laugh that much when I was in theatre..

well, this is the second sequel of trilogy of Pirates of the Caribbean. Yang pertama Cursed of the Black Pearl baru aja gue selese nonton 2 hari sebelum nonton yang kedua. Jadi karena Di2 ngajakin nonton yang Dead Man’s Chest, gue langsung pengen nonton yang pertama. Abis, meskipun dulu pas jaman kuliah gue sempet ngopi tuh film di kompie gue, gue sama sekali ga pernah nonton sampe kelar. Hhmm… I wonder why….

So, karena Di2 ngajakin nonton Sabtu siang dan Indosiar muter yang pertama Sabtu malem, gue dengan iseng se-iseng-iseng-nya, gue mengemukakan keinginan gue nonton yang pertama ke pak Gora. Eehhh… bener dong besoknya gue udah dikasie pinjem VCD yang pertama. Uuuhhh….baek bgt deh tuh bapak… arigatou gozaimashita, pak Gora…

Jadi, pas Sabtu siang, gue udah bener-bener siap nonton. Di2 en mb’Pit udah nonton yang pertama berkali-kali jadi ya siap juga sie…

Dan…hasilnyaaaa…… gue ketawa ngakak abissss……. Dan seluruh bioskop pun ketawa ngakak.. seru abis deh pokok nya… seru banget deh kalo nonton film konyol en seluruh bioskop ikut ketawa. Jadi berasa ada kebersamaan.. hihihihi…..

..::about the movie::..

Film ini diawali dengan pernikahan Elizabeth Swann ama William Turner yang gagal gara-gara Will, Elizabeth en bokap nya plus Norrington ditangkap dengan tuduhan membantu pembebasan Jack Sparrow. Trus yang memerintahkan penangkapan ini (Lord Cutler Beckett) ternyata pernah berhubungan ama Jack. Will yang mengusahakan kebebasan mereka (hukumannya tiang gantungan, bow), bikin kesepakatan ama Beckett untuk mengambil sesuatu yg dimiliki ama Jack, ntar mereka dicabut dari semua tuduhan.

And the journey begins…….

Yang lucu tuh yang Jack ketangkep ama penduduk setempat trus berusaha melarikan diri… huehehhehe… konyol abissss……

Dialog2nya pun kocak abis.. Bahkan Norrington, yang di sekuel pertama tampak lempeng, di sini bisa konyol banget.. lucu deh.. Hhmmm….kyknya pantas dikoleksi nie….

Dan karena ini emang trilogy, you’d see the whole plot and would be completed on the last sequel. And you'll see that i'm not good at reviews things but for you can always read more reviews in IMDB reviews.

snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 1:46 PM | 0 comments
Monday, July 17, 2006

Kayaknya udah beberapa minggu ini otak gue mati. Engga tiba-tiba sie tapi pelan-pelan udah mulai lambat. Sekarang udah mulai proses pembusukan. Duh.. Tapi bener deh otak gue udah mulae busuk. It’s a rotten brain I have here. And it’s really sucks…

Bayangin aja, gue rutin berangkat kerja, pulang juga rutin, trus nonton dvd. Udah.. gitu aja.. untuk gerak yang ga perlu pun males.. jangankan yang ga perlu, yang perlu aja sering banget males.. sampe sekarang kamar gue masie berantakan kayak kapal pecah. TOTALLY AWFUL….

En otak gue emang dasarnya udah lemot, ditambah sebab yang ga jelas gini, jadi bener deh ….. BUSUK .. yappariii!!!!!!!!

Padahal gue buanyak banget kerjaan en PR yang ke-pending. Wuuaa….. I’m really sucks…

Kkkkyyyyyyaaaaaaa……………………….. I don’t wanna have rotten brain… hhuuuuaaaaa……..

snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 6:02 PM | 0 comments
Friday, July 14, 2006
I really never thought that i would find a bunch of things about Kang Dong-won. Never never imagine that i would find that he's really has a base fans. That would make me more adore him.. He's a great actor. And looks like I was right if i thought he acted very very great in Temptation of the Wolves or Romance of Their Own or True Romance. Almost all of the sources say so.
Well..the sources among other is
- blog which is really great and very complete (totally complete) and always updated by Dong-won news and i'm curious the owner is Indonesian just like me.
- website owned by fan from Thailand and i could learn Korean here..
- fanlisting
- international forum which I really thankful for finding it.

i found a bunch of his photos and i found a bunch information of him. And i like him a lot more.
I'm trying to look for his other movies and dramas. I don't have any of them and I'm dying to look for it.
Well his newest movie is Our Happy Time has already finished and would first premiere around September this year. Now he's ready to filming His Voice.
His newest drama would still Magic. I read that the newest one is Palace but i haven't find the news about that. They're still talk about Magic. Maybe Palace hasn't aired yet.

How can you deny his cuteness?!

credit picture - kamin from Kang Dong Wong Intenational Forum
snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 5:25 PM | 0 comments
well... iseng-iseng nie .. ga ada kerjaan banget yak..

You Are 50% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

You Are 45% Normal

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

You Have a Melancholic Temperament

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.

Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.

At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.

Looks like I do really weird..
snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 12:21 PM | 0 comments
Recently watching it. It’s a cute Korean drama.

Well, the reason I watch it coz there’s Kang Dong-won. Like what I usually did, when I watch some movies or dramas, and I feel kinda like the cast (male specially), I’d search what his other movies or dramas. Dong-won’s already acted in some dramas (Funny Wild Girl, Lady of Dignity, 1% of Anything, Magic and Palace) and movies (Too Beautiful too Lie or Don’t Believe in Her, Temptation of Wolves or Romance of Their Own and Duelist).

And I saw Kang Dong-Won firstly on Temptation Of Wolves. I’ve watched it when I got shift on Sunday. I’ve watched it alone and I was crying very hard. I think it is a good movie. Well at least I enjoyed every moment in this drama before I reached 16th episode or so. After that I was getting bored. If there’s not Dong-won, definitely I’d fall a sleep like I always did.

Hmmm…Dong-Won is really cute. Really really cute. Ira asked me how much I like Dong-Won than Hyun Bin. I said it’s now 50-50. hehehe..

Well, let’s talk about this dramas.

1% percent of anything awalnya si tokoh utama cewe, Kim Da-hyun, naek kereta trus nolongin kakek2 yang sempoyongan bawa barang banyak. Kakek itu tenyata mau ngunjungin makam istrinya.

Abis itu, ada si Dong-won tiba-tiba dipanggil ama kakeknya en mau dikasie warisan asal nikahin cewe yang bernama Kim Da-hyun. Ternyata si kakek yang ditolong Da-hyun adalah kakeknya Dong-won (Lee Jae-in). Trus ama temen nya Jae-in (pengacara keluarga), dia dipaksa ngeliat dulu cewenya kayak apa. Ketemulah Jae-in ama Da-hyun. Langsung deh betengkar hebat. Ya abis, ada-ada aja kan. Baru ketemu, langsung ngajak nikah gara-gara disuruh kakeknya en biar dapet warisan. Duh .. ada-ada aja.

Tapi setelah beberapa kali ketemu, Da-hyun setuju untuk pacaran selama 10 bulan (atau beberapa bulan gitu deh, text nya ga jelas). Dengan syarat yang di-sahkan secara hukum. Salah satu syaratnya, Jae-in harus mau bantu salah seorang murid Da-hyun untuk sekolah ke luar negeri. Muridnya Da-hyun ini paling pinter di kelas, saking pinternya selama pelajaran dia selalu tidur tapi nilainya tetep paling tingi.

Selaen itu, status mereka hanya pacaran dan tidak akan berlanjut ke tunangan apalagi pernikahan.

Nah abis itu, cerita mulae berkembang.

Salah satu nya, karena ada temen sesama guru yang suka ama Da-hyun, Jae-in jadi sewot berat. Tapi karena itu, malah jadi ketauan kalo Jae-in en Da-hyun ternyata lama-lama saling suka. Meskipun betengkar terus, tapi Jae-in malah jadi sayang ama Da-hyun en ga mau ngelepasin. En bener-bener ga mau ngelepasin gitu…. Misal pas ortu nya Da-hyun ga setuju, Jae-in tuh yang dateng en telpon tiap hari, mohon-mohon biar disetujuin. Hebat deh pokok nya. Sampe aqirnya guru yang suka Da-hyun itu ngalah en mundur dari kancah pertempuran.. hehehhe….

Trus, baru aja deket lagi en baru mau ngomongin tentang tunangan en nikah, tiba-tiba nongol lagi cewe temen adek nya Jae-in yang mengklaim diri sebagai tunangan en calon istri Jae-in. Tapi Jae-in dengan tegas menolak en malah ngomong mau tunangan ama Da-hyun. Sampe gossip itu dimuat di koran (karena 2 perusahaan besar bakal bersatu kalo mereka menikah) en bikin kalang kabut keluarga Da-hyun. Jae-in pun sampe ga masuk kerja demi mo ngejelasin ke Da-hyun. Sampe-sampe ada kejadian yang parah banget en bikin si Jae-in ngamuk berat ke cewe ini. Tapi malah si Da-hyun memaafkan karena ga mau cewe ini susah meskipun Da-hyun ini sebel banget. Karena itu, cewe ini sadar en mundur. Ga mungkin kan dia ngalahin Da-hyun yang suka menolong ituuuu….

Setelah itu, mereka malah makin lengket en rencana menikah. Setelah susah payah nge-bujuk ortunya Da-hyun, jadi juga mereka menikah.

Fiuhhh….tenyata engga berhenti sampe di situ sodara-sodara…. Mungkin ini deh salah satu kelemahan korea. Selalu memanjang-manjangkan cerita. Duh..

Abis itu masie ada cerita sepupunya Jae-in (Min Tae-ha) yang naksir sobatnya Da-hyun (Jung Hyun-jin) yang tinggal bareng keluarga Da-hyun. Dan cerita adeknya Jae-in. Ffiuuuhhhh……. Udah gitu sama-sama ortunya ga setuju lagi.. duh.. Apalagi pas Tae-ha nglamar Hyun-jin ke ortunya Da-hyun, wwuuiiihhh… tuh ibu2 kalo ribut…gue sampe pusing ngeliatnya. Bener-bener kalo ga ada Dong-won, gue beneran udah tidur itu. Kayak Ireland itu, meskipun ada Hyun bin, gue ga kelar nonton eps 1, gila ya….

Kayaknya mulae eps deket2 20an gitu deh, gue mulae agak ilfil. Eps 16an masie bisa lah.. Kalo gue bilang sie emang karena alurnya lambat, jadi each problems itu di-sorotnya satu-satu, engga barengan. Kelar Jae-in, baru Tae-ha, trus adeknya Jae-in. capek liatnya dengan pola yang sama persis gitu. Kenapa engga dibarengin aja biar ending nya tuh dramatis gitu lhooo….. capek ddeeehhhh……

Tapi overall sie lucu drama ini. Mereka berdua sie yang bikin lucu. Pasangan yang laen ga ada chemistry-nya.. Menurut gue, si cewe nya juga agak ‘perfect’ banget. Pas pertama sie keren banget nie cewe. Tapi lama-lama jadi kurang bisa mempertahankan ke-keren-an nya. Kurang keliatan kalo mereka saling mencintai. Chemistry nya agak lemah (kalo Sam-soon ama Jin-hyun kan kliatan banget chemistry-nya)… Yah mungkin, emang Da-hyun tipe cewe yang malu-malu gitu. Tapi kalo suka kan kliatan dari ekspresi nya.

Emang kalo masalah berbicara dengan ekspresi wajah and gesture, Jepang jagonya.. Cerita pun Jepang jago. Kekurangan Jepang sebenernya hanya pada artis nya. Coba aja liat cowo2 Jepang, ga ada yang cakep kan. Paling Kassy en Yamapi. Yah cakep sie cakep, cute sie cute but that’s all. Ga ada yang heart-breaking deh. Ga ada yang bersinar kaya Korea gitu. Kalo Korea, cowo cewe nya keren-keren.. mmm…..dikit juga sie cowo nya (paling Hyun bin ama Dong-won yang heart breaking abiiisssss). Tapi film2 Korea kebanyakan berkesan wah dan glamour. Hampir semua film Korea yang gue liat pasti menyertakan seorang milyuner. Kesannya kan jadi Cinderella story banget. Kalo Jepang tuh apa ada nya banget. En jarang ada milyuner gitu. Milyuner pun engga yang berkesan glamour.

So kalo mo cari cerita, mending Jepang aja. Tapi kalo mo cuci mata, ya Korea gudangnya.

Kalo Taiwan .. .. .. Gue belom nemu drama or film yang menarik dari Taiwan. Yang original banget maksud gue. Meteor Garden bagus karena adaptasi dari manga. Mars bagus juga karena adaptasi dari manga. Ah The Outsider lumayan juga, tapi ga tau original atau bukan.

Well, gue masie prefer Dorama than Korean. Tapi karena Hyun-bin en Dong-won, gue jadi agak-agak ngelirik Korea. Ira pun jadi ngelirik Jepang karena Kassy en Yamappi hehehhe…..

Well…malah jadi kemana-mana… I’ll talk about Temptation of Their Own later..

snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 9:15 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
is never be liked by anyone. i mean ANYONE. no one like Italy. I don't know why, but that's real anyway.
OK here's why i do say that thing. Since Italy won World Cup, there's always a contra about that. well since i remember, there was and is always such a bad words for Italy whenever they played. and everyone would happy and thankful if Italy was defeated. I don't know why, but there's always someone who cheat on Italy.
Kenapa sie selalu dibikin kontroversi kalo Italia menang??? Please deh.. Mereka pantas menang. Mereka sudah bermain sangat bagus for this last month. Just admit it. Italia yang sekarang udah beda jauh dengan Italia yang dulu. They play for team and for their country. Ga ada yang menonjol dan Italia tidak menggantungkan diri pada seorang pemain yang menonjol. Tiap orang di team bisa bermain bagus dan bisa memberi kontribusi. Mereka semua berperan. Dari 23 pemain yang dibawa, 21 udah pernah maen dan most of them score at least one goal for Italy. Even, Grosso as a defender scored 2 goal (one of them in Final match). Ga ada orang yang paling berpengaruh di team. semua mempunyai pengaruh. Semua berperan sebagai penyeimbang. They played great.
Selama gue liat piala dunia en piala eropa (sejak 97), Italy selalu diejek en dihina. Yang maen selalu kasarlah, selalu curang, selalu diving, selalu catenaccio dan selalu selalu yang jelek2 laen nya. I'm sick of it. Ga pernah ada yang ngebelain Italy. Kalo Italia kalah, mereka bakal bilang "they should be lost" meskipun kalahnya karena dicurangi, tetep aja ga ada yang bela (Ah, ada 1 pertandingan yang Italia agak dibela, pas Italia lawan Korsel. Itu pun karena Korsel bener-bener keliatan curangnya en dibelain ama wasit). Tapi kalo mereka menang, ya kayak gini ini... tambah banyak cercaan. aduh...gue jadi bingung. Apa salah Italia sie??? Padahal mereka udah maen bagus banget. *sigh*

Well...let's sort out. Yang lagi heboh dan panas kali ini karena Zidane dikartu merah. Dan semua menyalahkan Materazzi for that. Gue ga tau deh. Jadi karena Domenech protes berat dan marah2 berat, kyknya jadi diada-adain deh. Kan Domenech yakin tuh kalo Zidane diprovokasi secara verbal ama Materazzi, jadi Zidane marah. Duh, please deh.. Pokoknya bener-bener diada-adain deh. Masa sampe pakai ahli membaca bibir sie?! Aduh...gue jadi nya no comment aja deh. Gue cuma bisa speechless aja nie. Apa mereka2 itu segitu ga relanya kalo Italia menang??? Apa salahnya Italia sie???
Ya mungkin selama ini mereka emang jago diving dan jago bertahan. Tapi Italia yang sekarang kan jauh dari diving. They are so far far away from diving, for God sake. They played sportif. Tapi kenapa ga bisa terima.
Ok, trus yang bikin gue panas (sbnrnya, semua bikin gue panas sie), ada yang bilang dari awal pun Italia udah curang. Hellooooo.....buka mata lebar-lebar.. yang curang siapa??? yang diving siapa??? penalty pertama itu gara-gara siapa yang diving??? dari menit pertama sampe teraqir....siapa yang curang??? siapa yang dikit2 diving???
Trus ada lagi, masalah ahli baca bibir... Gue beneran panas ini. Kayaknya ada yang memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk ngadu domba deh... Masa bawa-bawa rasialis sie??? Please deh yang bener..
aduh...gue jadi pengen marah en pengen tereak...
Kenapa pada engga terima sie kalo Italia juara????????
snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 5:00 PM | 0 comments
Monday, July 10, 2006
Can you believe it?! Well you should coz it is..

Well..although they won through penalty shoot-out but still they win. They worth to win.. really worth.. on me, I don’t like penalty shoot-out coz Italy has always lost on it. They didn’t have any luck on penalty. But they just did it.

The match has gone very well but Italy suffered since second half and during extra time. First half, Italy has a good ball possession but on second half, France took over almost ball possession. I just kinda think, Italy has their peak on last match against Germany. Now they were too tired to play after defeat Germany last Wednesday (they played for 120 minutes for God sake).

During second half and extra time, Italy had really really tried hard to defend. Like Iaquinta said that he found it so hard to contribute to attack because he had to worry more about defending. And he’s true. France was always managed to reach penalty box and endanger Buffon’s. Italian had always tackled French to stop them. Thanks to Cannavaro and Buffon who played very brilliant this night. And I’m still guessing that Italian hasn’t had their form yet since last semi-final.

Zidane scored first on 7th minutes through penalty after Malouda brought down by Materazzi. 10th minutes later, Materazzi paid his mistake by scoring with Pirlo’s corner. 1-1 for both sides. And stay the same until 120 minutes. Italy defended and attacked with suffering.

And last minutes, Zidane made mistake for heading Materazzi’s chest and red card for him. This is become a huge rumours. First, it was because the referee and his both assistant, didn’t see what it was really happen. Referee should’ve ask the fourth referee after Materazzi and Buffon asked him to. I think it was right thing coz what Zidane’s done is really really worth the red card. Materazzi didn’t do anything wrong and Zidane’s just butted Materazzi’s chest. But I read in this website, that it shouldn’t have happened. Coz, referee didn’t see anything except fourth referee who watched the game through the video and saw that incidents through video replay. Then the decision was made based on that. So, what’s wrong with that? This web said that since when is video replay used to make decision? And how come referee took too much time to make decision? So what? I guess that website is trying to say if referee didn’t see things happened then Zidane wouldn’t have to be sent-off and France would be world champion. And if that would really happened, I’m sure, pretty much sure the Italian fans all over the world would unsatisfied and totally angry.

Again, this website said that Materazzi 100% have had provoke Zidane in Italian. Because Zidane is fluent in Italian, he knew what Materazzi means. I didn’t see anything provocative from Materazzi through video replay. Oh well, it’s Domenech who couldn’t have this lost so he blames Materazzi for sending-off Zidane. He just keep saying bad about Materazzi. Oh please, you saw that yourself and you still think Zidane is not guilty?! I think you should check your preferences about fault in football. Just face this lost, Domenech..

I’m not proud about this anyway. Italy won through penalty shoot-out wasn’t the thing I should proud of. But in this 8 years (or 12 years?!) Italy has never made it in shoot-out. So I’m happy about that, that finally Italy could cope with their self and have won this shoot-out. Although it was because Trezequet (second’s France shooter) missed his shoot on crossbar. But still, five men of Italy made it on their shoot which is never happen in this last 8 years (I remember I always crying when Italy missed the shoot).

Well, although Italy has some trouble itself back at their own country, they are the WORLD CHAMPION..

snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 4:10 PM | 0 comments
Friday, July 07, 2006

hmm... let's track back how italy manage to reach final stage (and become a world champion).

Start this world cup on group E and had Ghana, USA and Czech as rivals. First match Italy against Ghana. And i surprised coz this is the first time Italy doesnt play catenaccio. They attacked since kick off. As the result they scored 2-0 for their victory. That was a great play coz Ghana played so well in this world cup since they've beaten USA and Czech to have their ticket to the next round.

Second match, Italy against USA. That was a very rough match. 3 red cards and so many yellow cards. As result, it was draw 1-1. USA had their goal from Italian, Zaccardo.

Third match, Italy against Czech. Italy at least must have draw as result. That was a great match. Czech was just beaten by Ghana so they have to win to have ticket for next round. Czech played good and Italy did. And as result, 2-0 for Italy. That was a fair game.

So next round for Italy. and should played against Australia.
This was a very very great game. They both had some chances to score and both always failed. It was at extra time on second half when Grosso made individual move broke Australian defender. Australian tried to stop him at the penalty box. and there was a penalty. 1-0 for Italy at extra time.

And i knew Italy would have at least reach semi final.
On quarter-final, they met Ukraine which is on Gilardino is weaker that Swiss (Ukraine met Swiss, 3-0 for Ukraine at penalty). And he proved what they said as Italy beat Ukraine 3-0.

Italy on semi-final met Germany. They both played great. 0-0 until 90minutes. Still 0-0 on the first 15minutes extra time. And about a minute before second extra time, Grosso scored. What a great goal. As Germany starts to try to score, Del Piero scored. and there was a
final whistle. 2-0 for Italian victory.

Italy is now different. They're not use pure catenaccio anymore. They tend to attack. Even Grosso the defender has the opportunity to score (and he did). They play as a team, Italia. They can maintain their emotion and keep it stable until the final whistle. They build the formation to attack but never forget to build the great barrier at the back.

On Final, Italy would meet France (France beat Portugal 1-0 through Zidane's penalty for reaching the final).

On me, tactically, Italy would be far better than France. Not because I'm Italiy fans, but i thought France just so-so. sometimes they good but usually just not. Their best performance was on quarter-final when they beat Brazil 1-0. But in this World Cup, Brazil wasn't as good as usually they do.
I thought, if Italy just play as good as they usually do, keep the spirit, keep the emotion and always discipline until the final whistle, i'm pretty sure, the world champion would be Italy..

snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 3:50 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
tampaknya gue kembali ke gue yang dulu ..
is it really easier to run? *sigh*
aqir2 ini gue entah kenapa sering ngerasa ga beres. tapi emang kayaknya it is easier to run and replacing with something numb.
setelah sabtu kemaren hunting DVD sampe mabok en beli playernya sekalian, gue tambah semakin membuat dunia gue sendiri. i run from the cruel world. it's funny coz i once i said that it's about how we deal with it. now unfortunately i can't deal with it myself.
yeah i thought i could face it but i can't. i give up.
today i just feel good. just feel good. coz yesterday i got this DVD. L'arc En Ciel AWAKE Tour 2005. i really feel excited about it. now i can refresh my days. last night i watch it. uuuhhhh......this Hyde is sssooo cool.... hounto ni kawaiii........ i enjoyed every moment in it. and this morning i watched it again to generate my spirit. it works .. hehehe.. i feel excited and full of energy this morning. yeah only this morning. i feel something's missing but i don't know what. *sigh*
dengan adanya tv, dvd player plus dvd se abreg2, gue ngerasa nyaman. i build my own world. gue tau itu ga bener tapi .. .. i can't think another thing to make my self comfort.
gue ga tau harus curhat dengan sapa. gue jadi ngerasain lagi rasanya ga punya temen. mmm... i have a lot of friends. many of them. tapi kenapa gue ngerasa ga punya ya. eh tapi sebenernya i never thought that they're friends.
what's the definition of friends anyway?!
on me, friend is person who we feel comfortable with. no matter what we do, we feel so much relax with them. that would be a friend.
gue ga bisa deskripsiin lebih baek lagi. temen ga perlu dicari. kalo cocok, pasti dengan sendirinya bakal menjadi teman. semua akan mengalir dengan sendirinya. meskipun dalam pertemanan itu kita pasti, absolutely, been through ups and downs. tapi pasti bakal baek lagi en tambah lebih dekat.
i once read some quote. i'm not sure the line excatly but it says about being yourself and if they're still like u, that would be great or something like that. gue langsung kena banget. i don't need change me (i didn't anyway) just to be accepted.
Itu seperti nge-jawab pikiran gue yang mulai pengen merubah gue sendiri (i'm not talk about improving my behave. that would be very different). abis kayaknya kan orang2 pada ga nerima gue. protes sana protes sini. trus gue liat deh tulisan itu. jadi bener juga kan kalo dipikir2. kalo emang ga suka, ya udah. this is me anyway..
uuuhhhh.........this me ..

eerrrr....what i'm talking about anyway???

*sigh* i miss him .. he's been busy for a new office .. i know that but still i miss him .. hiks ..
snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 12:11 PM | 0 comments
Monday, July 03, 2006
well it seem that the winner is Italy .. hehehe .. i hope so ..
Last friday Italy played against Ukraine .. When they managed to pass second round (they beat australia who played a very good game), i know that at least Italy would reach semi-finals. and they did it. They won over Ukraine. and not only a goal, Italy made three goals.. what a game.. but ashame on me i was too sleepy to watch it. i missed the second-half. But i knew that they've already won the game when they had their first goal on the 6th minutes. Coz, i'm not underestimate Ukraine here, but i thought Ukraine was poor on finishing. And they tend to play a little bit rough, i thought. well, i'm on Italian side here but i always try to be objective.
Well, i missed the second-half and i just read the details on FIFA's official website, and I JUST FEEL EXCITED ..
i know it's too late for that remembering Italy would played against Germany tomorrow. But just feel the excitement.
snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 11:10 AM | 0 comments