Tuesday, July 10, 2007
- papamusu epi2
Nie episode najis berat.. Gue ngakak melulu liatnya.. sampe sakit perut.. ROFL
Detto nya konyol sekalleeee... gilaaa..
Shige gila.. hahahahhaa...

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baka Shige..
Itu ceritanya Shige beli es krim buat Yui. Eh entah kenapa dia kesandung en jatoh aja. Duh polos banget jatoh nya. es krim nya jatoh. Trus dengan lempeng nya dia bangun en balik lagi beli es krim baru.. LMAOOOOOOOOOOO

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Bahkan caps itu *nunjuk caps di atas*, gue ngakak abis..
Shige beneran gila.. LMAOOOOO

the best detto deh..
hohohohoho ..

ah ah ah tomorrow he's gonna be legal ^^v

- Hiro and Uchi
Pagi2 gue di sambut dengan translation dari fans Jepang. Speech dari Uchi en Hiro pas Playzone..

What Uchi said during the play.
"Yes, I made a big mistake.
If I didn't enter the show business, such thing wouldn't have happened.
My parents said nothing when I entered this world.
Everything was going well.
But then, it happened.
If I wasn't in the show business, I wouldn't have troubled my parents.

One day, I heard my parents talking.
I had made them upset.
They were concerned that it was their fault I grew up and caused such problem.
I had hurt my parents.
Their mental wound would never go away.

So I decided to stay by my mom's side forever.
That was what I could do.
I just wanted to see my mom smile.
But my mom was not happy to be able to see me everyday.
She actually was somewhat upset.

Then, she was the one who was most glad about my return in this musical.
She said, "Don't ever come back here again."
So I said, "But I know you miss me when I'm away."
She hit me then.
She said, "Next time you come back, you better go train yourself working in a temple."
I realized my mom's strength.

I was given a chance.
A year and eleven months.... It's time to reset my life.
Thank you so much!
Thank you, everyone of Shonentai.
Thank you, my senpai and a great friend, Takizawa kun.
And Nishikido Ryo, sorry, and thank you for everything. (Uchi started to get teary here)
Members of Eito, members of NEWS! Everyone, I'm very sorry.
I will do my very best to repay what I have done.
Thank you everyone here who gave me this opprtunity!
Thank you very much once again!"

And together with Kusa, they said
"July 9th, 2007. Uchi Hiroki and Kusano Hironori."

And Kusa alone said,
"I am very very sorry for what I have done.
I will work extremely hard and do my best to return to those fun days...
I will not upset you anymore.
Please come after me, once again."
credit haru31 @ LJ

Gue langsung nangis terisak2..
Mereka bener2 serius menyesal.. OMG ..
*hugs both of them*

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from pamphlet..
OMG.. Hiro has grown up ne~
He looks kakkoii &hearts

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he's not baby anymore ne~
Shige will be proud of him.. ^^
He looks more mature there.

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Uchi &hearts&hearts&hearts&hearts&hearts&hearts&hearts&hearts&hearts&hearts
he too looks more kakkoii

both looks more mature yes
they've grown up
really can't wait them to be back at magz..

and hopefully soon they'll back at NewS and Kanjani8

credit nira chan yang ngambil dari Baidu, Chinese forum.

random ..
Shun kissed Toma
needed 12 takes and Shun said Toma's lips are soft..

*dies laughing*

need to watch
snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 3:38 PM |


At 5:32 PM, Blogger Riinsomnia


megharapkan uchi kusa balik ke news ato k8...

bener2 bikin GILA!!! *injek2 om kodok*

tp setidaknya mreka masi di JE

mao diapain lagi~~ jgn stress lalu gila ya py?? ^_^