Friday, July 20, 2007
I'm calm now.
After days of just crying.
Days of no thinking.

Well to start over..

- Hiro and Uchi will re-debut as solo or another group [rumour]
Yea I'm so stubborn to call it just a rumour. Even there's already news at Yahoo Japan. It stated that Hiro and Uchi won't be back in NewS and Kanjani8. Instead they're going to re-debut as solo or another group.
WTF ..
Well I'm just stubborn enough to ignore that until there's official from jimusho and both of them give a comment about it.
It said also, that Hiro and Uchi hasn't heard about that yet. So they still working hard for Playzone.
I mean .. WTF ..
They're working hard because they want to come back in NewS and Kanjani8. What's the point then. So they will just let both of them know that they won't be back at both group after butai. After they worked with all their might. That's too rude. I mean.. come on..
That would crash out their hope instantly..

So that news sure shocked us to death. Most of us can't work properly. We cursed Johnny san endlessly. WTH.
I couldn't saying anything about it. Bcoz I know that I would be too emotional to speak. I would say something that maybe I would regret. I would say something non sense. And I would end up crying. So I push aside that. Refuse to talk about it.
Just cursed Johnny san..

There's also translation of their song at Playzone.
can't share the translation though. Sorry..
I was crying while reading it.

Then the next day, someone upload the mp3.
The mp3 is from Chinese forum. From someone who came to the show and recorded it.
(Jadi rada kisruh, secara seharusnya cuma beredar di Chinese fandom. Gue jadi g enak beneran deh pas abis DL tuh lagu. g tenang rasanya. apalagi gue tau yang protes ttg english fandom itu temennya vicky.. sigh. gue serba salah jadinya.)
me .. crying again.

Then there's another news on tv..
mezamashi and zoom in.
zoom in was twice in the morning.
and mezamashi trice in the morning..
there's different clip form the previous.
More Hiro and Uchi right now.

There's crying Uchi while he said his speech.
and there's Hiro saying his short greeting.
He looks so determined.
I'm sure he held back his tears.
All people who came was crying to witness it.
me .. crying again..

The result, I dig out my collection which has Hiro in it.
I watch everything that has Hiro in it.
(Even though I must trying to not look at Shige if I want to concentrate to Hiro only. Because Shige, as usual, is a constant distraction. I can't take my eyes of him. Really.)
Now I'm DLing onigokko which has Hiro in it.
Addicted to him.
As Wid said, "u on kusa syndrome now?"
yeeessssss.... i'm on kusa syndrome.

- Papamusu epi3
Shige doesn't appear much.
Free image hosting Free image hosting
Only a few minutes but he had been held by Yui..
aaaawwwww.. he's such a lucky boy, isnt he.
But I'm getting jealous.

- Shige's Bday party
Well, last gath we celebrated Shige's bday party. A lot of people came (they're not even from JIF. WTF. Why don't they join JIF. we wont bite or anything. sigh). Luckily we bought a bigger cake.
Since I rant using english, I'll direct you to my LJ.
Feel lazy to re-post the pic
Shige's Bday

I hope Shige received his FanBook.
He needs to know that he has a lot of fans. He already gained a lot of things. He sure doesn't have anything to regret.
He must know that unless he would feel regret for the rest of his life as he stated in his jweb..
You already doing your best, Shige.
Just be yourself and DONT compare everything with everyone.
Just do it in your own way.

- My Real Life
Eeto.. There's nothing interesting actually since I dunno what's real anymore.. LOL.. But speaking of work .. I kinda want to look for another company. Another job too maybe. I didn't get anything much from here. Instead of sitting and using intenet. sigh.

- Another gathering
Last Sunday, we had gathering again.. LOL
Ah I forgot to post about this in my LJ..
Yea.. second gathering was held at karaoke place, Doremido.
Hmm.. a little bit expensive since I already broke.. LOL ..
But sure, we must do it often. It was fun.
I was so tired.
That time, Icha was slept over at my place. So after karaoke, she went back at my place. She already had a lot of things to do while I was so sleepy.
So I let her using my computer and I just slept. >.<
God, I was so tired back then.
Gomen na for neglecting you.

So, last week was a week of joy.
and this week was a week of tears.

snowy-yuki's fangirling over KKK at 12:51 PM |